Even a small 45 watt system can power the majority of appliances and lighting in a room such as a den. With efficient solar cells and the proper wiring, you can have a solar power system up in less than a weekend.
The benefits of DIY solar panels extend far beyond your home because they allow us to slowly move off of foreign energy dependence. This in turn strengthens our national security because we are not so concerned with appeasing nations that don't like us very much. The environment will be positively impacted because we have these distributed energy sources in place that allow us to take less energy from dirty fossil fuel sources such as coal and natural gas.
The cost savings in making your own DIY solar panel are tremendous! People regularly save 66 to 75% over buying retail panels. If you have any carpentry chops at all, you can get a fully functional system up. People find it so addicting to build their own solar panels, that they end up making enough to power their entire household.
Whether you are looking to power a small tool shed, add power to your recreational vehicle, or power appliances on a boat or better yet power appliances in your home, this is a very cost efficient way to go about it. Trust me, it's not as hard as it seems. All you need is the right equipment, time, and determination. It's a fun project that you can do over a weekend. Get to it and just do it!
Useful information home solar power systems:
Learn how to DIY solar panels: