LearnHowToMakeSolarPanels.blogspot.com presents you with everything you need to know about solar panels. With us, you will learn how to make solar panels and all the uses and benefits of this incredible system. Find out how you can save 80% of your electrical expenses and protect the Earth at the same time!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Go Green And Save Money With Magnetic Power Generators

Green energy sources are rapidly becoming popular and the magnetic power generator is one such generator that uses green energy. This magnetic power generator is also called 'Zero Point Energy Generator' and works with magnetic force charges. Magnets are naturally charged and are able to attract objects with opposite charges. This attraction or pull produces energy which is known as Perpetual Motion.

Perpetual energy has the tendency to stay in constant motion without the assistance of any other energy and this unique feature makes perpetual motion a popular energy for the Green cause. This energy is used in generators and these green energy generators do not require air, water or the sun to run smoothly as with other green generators. These magnetic electric generators can keep working despite poor weather conditions and do not need any fuel to run. It is suitable option to generate energy for your home free of any costs.

Magnetic power generator can be used at home instead of the traditional generator. It is easy to build and is easily available in the market. As its production of energy is more than its consumption, it continually generates electric power. This generator uses up less energy which in turn, reduces your power bills significantly. Unlike a traditional generator, the magnetic power generator is simple to construct, easy to install and shows a remarkable difference on the power bill.

A traditional generator might stop working in case of heavy rains, but the magnetic power generator does not get affected. It also does not require any form of gas or fuel to run and saves money on that front as well. Also, there is no worry about repairing a magnetic generator from time to time as it usually lasts long, unlike a regular generator which loses its productivity soon. These generators can also fit anywhere easily unlike the traditional generator which is huge and bulky. One ends up saving not just money but also the environment by using less power.

You can build this Green device all by yourself with the help of easy instructions. The green energy device helps you reduce energy costs and you can definitely do your bit for the environment. The magnetic power generator is a safe, healthy and easy alternative to the traditional generator when used at home.

Useful information magnetic power generator:

Useful information Zero Point Energy Generator:

Useful information magnetic electric generators:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Solar Panels

The use of energy from the sun is growing every single day with many new homeowners incorporating home solar panels on their rooftops. These reasons come from solar panel experts across the country.
  1. The number one reason to use solar energy is its availability. Solar energy comes from the sun which has been with us since the beginning of time, and will continue to be a free energy source. With the new advancements in the development of better solar cells comes better and cheaper installation cost.
  2. The environmental impact of home solar power systems make it the right choice if you are considering going green. Solar panels do not emit any gases or other environmental problems associated with other types of power distribution methods. My using solar, you are doing your part to help save our earth.
  3. Remember when installing a solar power system for your home or business you are reducing the cost of the ever-increasing electrical rates. Solar becomes a wise choice to help reduce your electrical cost especially if you decide to go off the electrical grid entirely or even tied to the grid, it may be possible to sell back power to the utility company.
  4. If you are a handyman and can do things yourself, it is possible to build your own solar panels and save anywhere from $200 to $400 per panel. Solar panels consist of solar cells soldered in strings to make a complete solar panel. There are many guides available on the internet showing the step by step procedure for building your own solar panels.
  5. A really good reason to install a solar system is the incentives offered by the federal and state governments. Check with your state to see how much of a tax deduction you can receive for solar energy. Some states reportedly are offering up to 30% savings when filing your taxes.
As you can see the 5 reasons to use solar panels will make you thing about going green and installing solar as a wise investment in your future. If you are interested in solar energy contact your local and state building departments to see what incentives are available in your area.

Useful information home solar panels:

Useful information home solar power systems:

Learn how to build your own solar panels:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Build Your Own Solar Panels

Are you interested to be independent of the energy companies? Would you like to say goodbye to paying gas and power bills, save money and be independent? Of course you would.

Well you can. If you have solar panels fitted and a full solar panel system installed you could use the power of the sun to generate electricity for your energy needs.

However, there is one small problem. A solar panel system supplied and fitted could cost between $15,000 - $30,000 and more. Now, if you have plenty of money that is not a problem. But, many homeowners do not have that sort of spare cash hanging around. Of course one can take out a loan but do you really want to build up debt in these uncertain economical times.

The answer is to Build Your Own Solar Panels and connect up your home to a full solar system.

It is not difficult if you have the right information to hand you can make your own solar panels and cut your energy bills. You will be able to undertake this task even if you are not really good at DIY because the steps that need to be take are fairly simple.

What can you expect if you set up your own solar energy system to provide electricity for your home.
  • Your will save loads of money hundred of dollars each year
  • You will be helping the environment
  • You will get payback from your energy supplier for any excess you generate
  • You will be free from future energy costs increases
  • You will be independent
Build solar panel and get rid of your energy costs now.

Learn how to Build Your Own Solar Panels:

Learn how to Build solar panel:

Useful information generate electricity:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

DIY Solar Panel Kits

A reliable and sustainable energy resource has been the hunt for many homeowners who are already struggling with their power bills. Opting for a do-it-yourself or DIY solar panels may be a good investment that could provide endless possibilities in the future. This option will not only help you and your family save on power bills, it may also help the government fight the ensuing energy crisis that has befallen us all due to the limited, and is now becoming more and more scarce, fossil fuels which our conventional power systems are highly dependent on. Solar energy is also environmentally friendly, so for those who are concerned with the greenhouse gases that fossil fuels emit in the atmosphere, you can rest easy because solar energy does not cause harm to the environment.

Contrary to what many people believe, building solar panels through DIY solar panel kits is not actually that difficult. You do not have to have special skills or abilities to complete this project that could essential change the way you live in a positive manner. There are, however, some materials that you are going to need, in order to successfully make your own solar power system. Materials such as alligator clip heads, a micro-meter, tap water, table salt, an electric stove, copper wires, and sandpaper. If completely making your own solar power system is too much for you, there are solar power kits available in the market that is already prefabricated, and all you need to do is assemble and install it correctly. A typical DIY kit usually includes plywood, solar cells, sheet glass, copper wire, and passive solar home plans.

Plywood is a manufactured type of wood that is both inexpensive and sturdy enough to hold several pounds of weight. You can find this type of wood in many hardware shops and home improvement stores. You can purchase it in bulk or any quantity you desire. You can purchase them in big sheets as well and cut it later to the specific size that you are going to need for your project. The plywood will be used as the basic frame of your solar panel, so you should go for the best quality you can find.

The solar cells are the heart of your solar panels because they are the one responsible for harnessing the sun's energy and converting it into usable electricity. Because of the continued advancement of solar technology, solar cells are increasingly becoming less and less expensive. A homeowner with average income can now afford solar cells for his or her home solar power project. You can find these solar cells at your local hardware or electronic stores.

Sheet glass is available in your local home improvement stores at a very reasonable price. When buying sheet glass, you may want to have them cut to the specific sizes that you will need since cutting sheet glass requires quite a bit of experience and the appropriate machinery. The final piece of your DIY solar panel kit is the copper wire, which you can purchase by foot or meter; or in rolls if you want. You will find copper wires at your local hardware or electronic stores.

Learn how to  building solar panels:

Learn how to DIY solar panels:

Useful information solar panel kits:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Harness Solar Power For Your Residential Homes

Do you know that you can actually harness solar power for your residential homes? There are packages available which include blueprints, instruction plans, step-by-step guides, how-to videos, etc. You can actually learn how to build a solar panel for less than $200. You can harness sunlight and have it converted into electricity. This will help slash at least half of your monthly electric bill!

Here are some facts about solar power for residential homes.

  • Photovoltaic cells are the main component of solar panels. These cells capture energy from the sun, which will later be transformed into electricity for your home. You can order them on the internet in bulk. Most sellers offer a package of 36 3x3 cells for less than $150. Sometimes you can find damaged ones on sale. Some damaged solar cells work just fine, and only have small flaws.
  • Tools that you will need for building solar panels include sheet copper, shears, a wide mouth jar, electric drill, sandpaper, AC power inverter, alligator clips, soldering gun, wire cutters, plexiglass, caulk, volt meter, and protection glasses.
  • You'll need to install a good deep cycle battery that can withstand constant recharging. A battery is required as a solar panel component because it keeps all of the stored energy. Since sunlight isn't available 24/7, some energy needs to be stored so that your home can receive electricity on cloudy days and during the night.
  • Everything should be attached securely. The solar panels need to be able to withstand all weather conditions, including storms. Some people find it efficient to seal the solar cells to plexiglass with silicone caulk. Just make sure that you use the right amount of caulk - you don't want it bubbling in front of the cells. Leave a small amount of space between each cell. They need a little "breathing" room in order to function properly.
  • You might want to get some practice building small panels before you build large ones. You'll just need six cells or so to create a small panel that provides electricity to objects such as a CD player. Take it outside to the part of your property which receives the most amount of sunlight. If the CD player works, then you'll know that you built the panel right! Apply the same techniques to a much larger panel so that you can get electricity for your entire home.
  • Home Solar panel is most effective when no shadows fall on the panels between 9 am to 4 pm. It's important that you find a good location for installation. Shade can actually damage the cells, so you need to be careful with where you put them. Some people install solar panels on their roofs. If you don't have a lot of property, this might be your best option. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, install the panels so that they are facing south. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, install them so that they face north.
Learn how to build a solar panel:

Learn how to building solar panels:

Useful information  Home Solar panel:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Home Solar Power Systems For Cheap Electricity

Have you been searching for ways to save at your mounting power bills for you are already annoyed with the high cost bills you've been receiving? If you want to be free from this thing, you can surely do something in order to help your situation and if you are not yet aware of converting to home solar power systems, then be ready to include this thing onto your list of alternatives for cheap electricity. It is not hard to cut cost from power bills if you are just aware on how to use your appliances properly and if you are following proper rules.

The popularity of home solar power systems is spreading all over the world, not only for the reason that it lowers down bills, but it is also a safe and renewable in which one can easily obtain as long as he only have the right solar devices for capturing light and converting it into the form of energy. Sunlight is unlimited and we have an abundant supply of it for the whole day, unless the weather is bad and there are signs of raining.

If you can spend time researching the internet for the cheapest alternatives for the electricity, for sure, you'll find that solar power systems are always involved. You can even save totally from paying bills but that is not really feasible for you might be running out of light supply, particularly during rainy season. If the sun constantly shines everyday and your solar panels can actually receive full amount that would give you any problem for you can steadily make use of the solar power, but we can't still deny the fact that sometimes it rains for long.

Electricity these days are really expensive and if you can't really save a lot, switching into solar power can be best. Aside from switching into solar power, you can also make evaluation of the kind of bulbs you have at home as well as the appliances if they have that energy saving seal. Switch to low consumption lighting and turn off any appliances when not in use or when you feel you don't need it for the mean time.

Home solar power systems are really for generating low cost electricity and if you are having a problem this time with the installation, find out more on DIY solar panels or home solar panels.

Useful information  home solar power systems:

Learn how to DIY solar panels:

Useful information home solar panels:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Generate Electricity With DIY Solar Panels

There are many methods to generate electricity. The common way that most places are using at present happen to be very environmentally destructive. Specifically, the major source of electricity involves the burning of fossil fuels. This is very destructive because it is a major cause of global warming, which has led to numerous catastrophic natural disasters. It also causes a lot of air pollution, which has had a seriously negative effect on people's short-term and long-term health. Therefore, our major source of electricity as it stands now has had very damaging effects. This is why people are promoting other energy sources as our major source of electricity, one of which is solar electricity. Solar electric power is electric energy generated by the sun. There are many DIY solar electricity projects that one can take on if the goal is to harness this source of power.

One of these projects that many people are attracted to is making solar panels. Solar panels generate electricity by converting the sun's light energy into electric energy. It is very cost-effective, but especially if you build the solar panels yourself. This is because if you don't build them yourself, it can cost upwards of a thousand dollars to purchase and even more if you have someone else install them for you. Therefore, while the environmental rewards will be effectively the same, it will take a lot longer for the solar panels to pay for themselves than if you were to build solar panel. This is because doing it yourself would cost you around two hundred dollars and potentially even less than that. Therefore, it would take only a few years for you to see the cost-saving effects.

To build these yourself, you will need solar cells, some paint, some wood, Plexiglas, wires, and other hardware. Once you have gathered the necessary materials, you will need to find a clear guide on how to build DIY solar electricity panels. This guide should include detailed step-by-step directions. If it includes pictures and videos, or if you find them separately, then that will make your work even easier.

The basic steps to build this type of DIY solar panels involves building the panels out of wood, painting them, stringing the solar cells together inside the panel with wires, and then fixing the Plexiglas over the solar cells. If you work quickly enough, you should find yourself with a working solar panel in less than two hours.

Useful information  generate electricity:

Learn how to build solar panel:

Learn how to DIY solar panels:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Building Your Own Solar Panels

Home solar power systems are quickly gaining popularity all over the world. It is growing at a rate of 2% per year, and if the figures continue to grow, solar energy will be the preferred source of energy worldwide. Most modern nations are encouraging people to rely on this renewable resource so that they can save more and help conserve the environment. The trend can continue to provide benefits for decades to come if well-maintained.

Here are some more tips:


First, you have to consider your current location. Are there a lot of clouds or does it rain or snow frequently? How much sunlight do you get per day? Some locations are very ideal for installing solar panels, while other people may do better with an electrical or battery source. Places that get around 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day at least can do well with a solar power system. Preferably, tropical and desert areas should start investing in a solar power system to get the most benefits. Determine the angle of the sun to know which spots are most ideal for installation.


Are there any available hardware stores that offer the needed parts for your DIY solar panels? Will ordering online be easy and convenient? Are there agencies or professionals who can offer reliable and quality services to install and maintain the solar panels. Are the materials affordable and of good quality? These are some questions you need to consider to get the best deals. Ordering online will depend on your location and the mode of transportation. If you think that setting up and maintaining the system will be difficult, it might be better to wait until the technology is more rampant in your area.


Solar power systems are generally costly in the beginning. Later on, you will realize that the costs will start to go down, since the energy stemming from the sun is free and available all the time. You should consider your budget by determining the area that needs to be covered with solar panels. Budget is vital so that you do not go overboard and overspend on things that you do not truly need. You should also consider the gadgets and devices that will be powered via solar means.


A well-maintained home solar power system will last for 30 years if you keep it properly. Other setups may only last for a number of months or weeks at most if external conditions are very harsh or can damage the material easily. You can choose to build your own solar panels or just purchase from a source. The longevity of the setup will depend on the quality of the material, the use and applications. Price does not immediately equate to quality or longevity. You should know more about the available brands and check if there are any differences with regards to feature that will ultimately enhance the lifespan. Ask for recommendations from friends and others who have tried the setup.

Useful information  home solar power system:

Learn how to DIY solar panels:

Learn how to build your own solar panels:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How To Make Solar Panels for Your Home

Many homeowners are trying hard to learn how to effectively make their own DIY solar panels to provide enough energy to power their homes, or at least minimize the consumption of fossil fuels, without burning a hole in their pockets.

In the following, you will learn how to build a solar panel for your home in seven relatively easy ways without spending too much of your savings.

Purchase a How-To guide You might be able find a free guide online, but the old adage "you get what you pay for" is likely to hold true. Fortunately, there are a number of excellent how to guides available on the internet which you can buy for a reasonable price. When looking for guides on building solar panels for your home, it is essential to pick those with discernable illustrations and easy to comprehend step-by-step directions.

Purchase the needed parts - for those who are on a tight budget, you can look for solar panels in surplus shops. Look for slightly faulty but fully functional, solar cells. These cells are easily obtainable and can be bought for a fraction of the retail cost. Some of the guides tell you exactly where you can get used cells at bargain basement prices. Other materials that are needed are silicone, copper wire, plywood, solder, glass, wood screws, and high quality paint for weather proofing purposes.

Collect the appropriate tools - tools like a soldering iron, screwdrivers, wire cutters, caulk gun, wood saw, and several wrenches are needed.

Building solar panel - forming a panel will require around 36 cells soldered together. The constructed panel will then be placed on a UV protector coated pre-cut sheet of plywood. The entire assembly is then covered with a sheet of glass and sealed with silicone caulk.

Properly mount the panel - when installing the panel, it has to be in a south facing location. The roof of your home is the most suitable location, but if that is out of the question, an exposed area in your yard is good enough.

Attach the solar panel to the battery - when exposed to the sun, the panel will produce an unregulated DC current. A charge controller will be needed to regulate the panel output to efficiently charge the battery where the energy is stored.

Carefully hook up the battery to your home's electrical system - you will need a device known as an inverter to convert the DC power from the battery to a household AC. The inverter must be attached to the breaker panel of the house through a proper switching device.

Learning how to build your own solar panels for your home is quite easy and can be done with very little investment. A lot of homeowners, nowadays, are doing exactly this and they are saving a lot of money on their utility bills. You can try it for yourself.

Learn how to build a solar panel:

Learn how to building solar panels:

Learn how to build your own solar panels:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Benefits of Installing Solar Panels At Home

With environmental awareness taking an important place in today's world, people are opting for renewable sources of energy. The natural energy resources can get exhausted if not used efficiently. Recycling, pollution control and using renewable sources of energy are some of the major steps that have been taken by people in the last few years. The natural sources of energy such as oil and petrol are very valuable sources of energy. They are limited in nature hence; it is our responsibility to use them efficiently. Scientists and engineers are trying to come up with different types of sources of energy supply most likely the ones that run on wind, water and sun. Solar panels have become an important form of renewable energy resource which are being used on a wide scale. There are many companies who manufacture solar panels which can be used for different purposes.

Using solar panels enable a person to receive unlimited energy supply. Installing them in your house or residential area can prove to be very beneficial. There are many people who use solar energy for household purposes. Using solar energy for all your needs can prove to be a little expensive as far as the installation is concerned. However, after using the kit for some period of time you will realize that you are actually saving hundreds of dollars. Though the initial investment is high it is worth using and you will recover your investment amount soon after you start using this form of energy.

Did you know that you can earn money while using a solar panel? Well, this is true. You can not only save money on the bills but also earn money. Some home solar panels produce more amount of energy than is actually required. This situation occurs mostly during summer season. You can save the excessive energy in this case for future use or you can also sell it to the grid. In this way you will be able to earn a good amount of money. Thus, home solar power systems can be considered as a long term and profitable investment for any person.

There are many other advantages associated with the solar panels. You don't have to worry about any kind of problems like power failure due to bad weather conditions or industrial disputes. You can have unlimited energy supply whenever you want. There are some people who prefer making their own solar panels and installing them as they are much cheaper than buying a complete kit from a company. You must be wondering how to build a solar panel on your own. Well, it is hard to believe that building one is a very easy if you follow the right kind of procedure. It will prove to be a fun activity for your family and you will be able to do something different and exciting.

The most important reason behind the increased use of solar energy is the environmental awareness and changing climatic conditions. The industrial pollution has increased to a great extent causing climatic problems and imbalances. Using a solar panel in this condition will be considered as your own set of contribution to save the planet.

Useful information  home solar panels:

Useful information home solar power system:

Learn how to build a solar panel:

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Make Use of Solar Energy To Save Money At Home

As the economy goes from bad to worse, obtaining energy seems to be tougher down the road. Therefore, it is essential that we reduce our usage of nonrenewable energy source and use other types of renewable energy sources that are available for us.

Renewable energy are those sources that can keep providing energy without depleting the resources. And there are three types of energy when it comes to renewable energy solution:
  • Solar energy solutions
  • Hydro energy solutions
  • Wind energy solutions
Solar energy: The sun's energy is available for all and it is the most eternal source of energy on earth. We should make use of this free energy and use it to produce all energy we need to power our homes Not only will this cut down the power bills, but we will be contributing in making green environment. Solar power solution include, solar cooker, solar heating systems, solar lighting systems, solar dryer etc,.

As we all know the sun has always and will always be the ultimate source of light and heat energy. With the new technology, the sun's power can be used to create other forms of energy, via photovoltaic cells. Fortunately the solar energy has many advantage, apart from being cost effective, it is also environment friendly, as it does not cause any type of pollution to the atmosphere. Also they have low to no maintenance which will save you time and effort. Above all of that, solar energy system once installed will give you return on investment very soon, you just need to invest and in and enjoy the free energy for years to come.

Using solar power to cook is considered a very healthy thing. Families have started employing solar energy as a power solution at their homes. Many people have started to use solar energy in many various ways by obtaining a green source of energy and save tons of money spent on power bills. The good news is each and every one can make his own DIY solar power system and start to generate his own source of energy, you just need to learn step by step plant on how to install it,tools you need and where to put it. Usually right up on the roof is a very promising place, where it is subject to a lot of heat from sun to be converted to energy. You may be thinking now that building and installing home solar power systems can cost you a lot but in fact it won't, usually if you have the proper knowledge it may cost under $200 to build one.

Useful information  renewable energy sources:

Learn how to DIY solar power system:

Useful information home solar power systems:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Are you looking Into Installing Solar Panels At Home?

Are you looking into installing or building solar panels to generate electricity at home? Here you will learn more about the benefits, as well as how you can get started with solar electricity in your home!

There are some things to remember about solar panels. Initially, it will be more expensive, than if you went through a power company who provides the electricity.

The other thing to remember is that this is going to be more hands on, however, once you have it running, you can even earn money from the power you generate - and no utility company will do that, if you keep buying electricity through utility companies.

Having a look at solar installation kits is a great idea, and makes it easier to buy something that works together with all the other equipment, and this is a great idea.

When installing solar panels in your home, you will come across 3 main options:
1. Solar panels and parts
2. Solar cells
3. Solar installation guide

Let us look at these in more detail.

1. Solar panels and parts

This option is one that many people will go for. It provides good scalability, however, there are also the potential problems.

When you purchase all different parts and try to put them together, you may find that some parts don't work together, and it can be hard to find a match between equipment to get them to work.

It is an option, and if you are scaling to meet your needs, then this is going to be a better choice as long as you make sure that everything works together!

2. Solar cells

An option that has existed for a long time, is to buy solar cells and build a solar panel yourself, then go through and buy batteries, and other necessities.

If you really want a custom solution, then this is the best option, and may save a lot of money.

However, make sure that you research effectively, and realise the potential risks.

3. Solar installation guide

Buying a solar installation guide is possibly the best option, I believe. You know the very basics of how to put things together and get the right things required.

Learn how to building solar panels:

Useful information generate electricity:

Useful information solar panels:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Are You Building Your Own Solar Panels?

Do you know that you can build your own solar panels? It's absolutely and thoroughly feasible and also very workable as long as you own the most suitable type of manual to walk you through it. Diy solar installation guides have emerged as something quite well-known over the previous few years with a gamut of regular people who would like to learn ways in order to harvest the sun's unending energy. Despite the fact that we make it out to be quite simple it is not something that doesn't require a tiny bit of DIY competency. If you're at least adept with a few standard tools you should have the ability to undertake this sort of construction.

When you would like to manufacture your own solar panels you will definitely want to, first and foremost, identify just how much or what quantity of energy you need to make. Most people will believe from the beginning they will be able to power their own family home using free electrical power, however it's not quite as straightforward as that. In many cases you come upon restrictions from the electricity company for the reason that an individual cannot completely just power your home without their connection (barbaric I know) as a result you will want to take this into consideration. At the same time, in the case you have a larger than normal home you will need to put together some quite robust solar panels for you to power the whole dwelling.

What I suggest to people when they build their very own solar panels is that they first concentrate on running a small area of something such as a deep cycle battery pack or perhaps a section of the dwelling. By simply first discovering how to power say a couple of household gadgets with the help of Diy solar power panel books you can start to get a good idea of the best way to progress more deeply. Starting off modestly when you find out how to construct your own solar panel helps you to get a good sense regarding how the overall system works like the supply of electrical energy and just what to do with this described electrical power.

The minute you choose to build your own solar panel there are a number of points for you to consider such as how much power you want to create and additionally what Do-it-yourself solar panels guide you are going to use. When you build your own home solar panels there's a wonderful sense of achievement that results from the end product. There is a specific feeling of achievement that you're running something in a natural way using the sun's power whilst slowly becoming less dependent on the grid.

Learn how to build your own solar panels:


Useful information  home solar panels:

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Reducing Carbon Emissions With Solar Panels

In many areas where solar energy is cost effective, there is 1.5 lbs of CO2 emitted per kilowatt hour of electricity used. For a typical system of 3,000 kWh, there is 4500 lbs of CO2 emissions savings.

The carbon emissions are in part due to the high emissions of coal fired electricity plants. Whether it is coal or natural gas, a large amount of carbon is released into the atmosphere. Natural gas plants emit 1.3lbs of carbon per kWh of electricity produced. Compare that to coal fired plants which produce 2 lbs of carbon per kWh of electricity.

The reality is about half of the United State's electricity is produced from coal fired plants. Electricity from renewable energy sources make up less than 15% of all electricity in the United States.

Distributed solar power from homeowners such as yourselves will do a significant part in moving us to a renewable energy future. Distributed solar power helps us use electricity that does not have to travel a far distance thus dissipating energy as heat across long conduction lines.

Home solar power systems are heavily incented because they will allow us to implement smart grid solutions. The smart grid will help us to monitor electricity load on an hour by hour basis to influence usage at peak times. At peak hours such as during the middle of the day, the load can be decreased automatically in households that are not using immediate electricity.

Carbon emissions reductions are incredibly important to maintain the environment the way it is. Whether or not you believe in global warming does not matter. We need to get off of foreign energy dependence as a nation and generate electricity locally.

Useful information solar energy:

Useful information Home solar power systems:

Useful information generate electricity:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Solar Water Heaters

Solar water heaters can be used to offset the tremendous amount of energy that is used to heat and cool both residential and commercial buildings. It has been stated that heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) in the U.S., accounts for 30% of the power used in commercial buildings and nearly 50% of the total energy that is used in homes and apartments. We can take an active part in reducing our reliance on non-renewable energy sources by using home solar power systems.

Solar technologies are generally described as either passive or active, according to how the power is captured and converted. Collecting the energy from the sun, storing that heat and then converting it into usable energy has been man's dream for centuries. Now in modern days, we store the heat in what is called thermal mass materials. These can be materials as common as stone, cement and water or as exotic as photovoltaic arrays. The simple systems have been used since Roman times and are still common in the Middle East.

Solar water heater collectors are gaining popularity with the U.S. and Canada since the majority of the buildings in these countries already have an existing ducting system for air conditioning.

The heating and cooling exchange of solar energy has been used successfully for some time. Since the 1960's, solar roof 'ponds' have heated houses when it is cool at night and cooled the same house when it is hot during the day. Even before the last century, Auguste Mouchout produced ice using a steam engine (solar powered) to provide cooling. Not all of the equipment required is 'store bought'. You can increase the efficiency of your solar home devices by growing deciduous trees (the ones that shed their leaves in the winter) and paying attention to correct placement. There is much to learn about solar heating for your home or business.

Technology has advanced to the point where significant reduction can be made within the oil burning or electrical heaters or other air conditioning units, thereby giving all of us a new lease on life on this planet. I am not a drum beating liberal, so please do not take this the wrong way. I just feel that if we can give Mother Nature a helping hand from time to time, maybe we should consider doing just that.

Find out how you can build your own DIY solar water heater today!

Useful information  home solar power systems:

Useful information Solar water heater:

Learn how to DIY solar water heater:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Benefits of Solar Energy

At present, many people are already aware of the many benefits of solar energy. But aside from these advantages, they also discovered how good the solar energy efficiency is.

The sun rises up every day and as it strongly glows above us, it gives an incredible amount and power of energy making it a very good energy source. Utilizing the solar energy gives a lot of benefits not just to you but also the environment. By just purchasing one, you can certainly save big amount of money and at the same time save our planet from the alarming global warming. But many people still don't know how efficient this energy source is.

Solar energy has solar panels where the heat of the sun is trapped. These panels are made from silicon that will lock in the heat and it will undergo certain processes where the sun's heat will be converted into a useful energy and electricity source without the harmful carbon dioxide gas emissions. The process generally involves photovoltaic systems. Usually, these solar panels are placed on the rooftop to be able to access more of the sun's heat.

There are different types of solar panels to serve different purposes. There are modern solar panels that have multiple solar cells that can convert the sun's heat into useful electricity more efficiently.

Solar energy are widely used to warm waters at home especially in places where there are cold climates. By acquiring one, you can have warm water every day without having to pay much for the electric bills and you also wouldn't have to be guilty in contributing for the global warming since solar energy sources do not give off harmful gases that can damage our atmosphere like the typical energy source does.

When choosing what type of solar cell to use at your home, be sure to do a thorough evaluation. The rooftop plays a very important role in installing a solar panel. It depends on the size of your rooftop how much energy you will be able to use. Of course, the wider your rooftop space, the more solar panels will be installed, the more solar energy you will be able to acquire. If your house has a limited space for installation of solar energy then you might as well choose the solar cells that are highly efficient mono-crystalline. They can also be used for larger spaces but they are best recommended for small installation spaces. Along with your solar panels, be sure to choose the right mount. You should at least look for the strongest and most durable one that can withstand harsh weather conditions as well as the extreme heat of the sun.

The unlimited energy the sun offers will forever be free. It is up to us to make use of it. It is up to us to make that big decision to take part in caring for the place we live in as well as saving money at the same time. This solar energy source offers many advantages to us, so what's the use of going through with all the expensive electric bills when you can absolutely have free electricity?

Useful information  benefits of solar energy:

Useful information solar panels:

Useful information photovoltaic systems:

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Benefit of DIY Solar Panels

Everyone knows that alternative energy is the way to go if we are to move to a more efficient and clean energy grid. A big impediment to this smart grid, is the lack of distributed alternative energy sources. This is where you can get into the act by installing your own home solar power systems.

Even a small 45 watt system can power the majority of appliances and lighting in a room such as a den. With efficient solar cells and the proper wiring, you can have a solar power system up in less than a weekend.

The benefits of DIY solar panels extend far beyond your home because they allow us to slowly move off of foreign energy dependence. This in turn strengthens our national security because we are not so concerned with appeasing nations that don't like us very much. The environment will be positively impacted because we have these distributed energy sources in place that allow us to take less energy from dirty fossil fuel sources such as coal and natural gas.

The cost savings in making your own DIY solar panel are tremendous! People regularly save 66 to 75% over buying retail panels. If you have any carpentry chops at all, you can get a fully functional system up. People find it so addicting to build their own solar panels, that they end up making enough to power their entire household.

Whether you are looking to power a small tool shed, add power to your recreational vehicle, or power appliances on a boat or better yet power appliances in your home, this is a very cost efficient way to go about it. Trust me, it's not as hard as it seems. All you need is the right equipment, time, and determination. It's a fun project that you can do over a weekend. Get to it and just do it!

Useful information  home solar power systems:

Learn how to DIY solar panels:


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Get Started With Solar Power

Home solar panels are becoming more and more affordable with more installers and manufacturers competing for residential customers. There are also a wealth of incentives available to homeowners depending on the state that you live in. Federal tax rebates and tax incentive have opened up home solar power systems to all audiences.

In order to get started with solar power you need to take the following steps:
  1. Obtain a Free Consultation: Some solar installation companies will even guide you through the rebates procedure. Be sure to ask a lot of questions at this stage about equipment, service contracts, or additional financing. The installers will go over your electric bills and usage patterns to give you an accurate estimate. The initial estimate will show you how much you can save with solar and what the expected payback period will be.
  2. Proposal: This is where the company will prepare a written request for proposal or (RFP) which includes the system size, services, location, and financial analysis. They will also identify government tax incentives and rebates.
  3. System Design: An engineering team or individual will be assigned to your house to build a custom design depending on the your house's architecture and electrical needs.
  4. Installation: Installation takes anywhere from a few days to a week depending on the size of your installation. They work with you to ensure that there are no disruptions in electricity to your home. The company will also look over zoning permits, inspections, and usually will have an electrician on staff to connect the system to the grid.
  5. Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance can e in the form of quarterly checks or can be more routine for larger systems. Talk to them about this during the consultation. 
Useful information Home solar panels:

Useful information tax incentive:

Useful information home solar power systems:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Solar Panels - Harnessing Energy From The Sun

The sun gives energy to the plants, we eat the plants and receive the nourishment from the sun. Humans have always worked at developing methods for harnessing the available renewable energy including the sun's energy. It is said that Archimedes saved Syracuse by polishing shields to attract the sunlight and aiming them at the Roman army.

We have developed ideas for heating and cooling in harvesting the sun's energy. The most preferred way is to use solar panels. These are divided into two categories, passive solar or active solar depending on how these convert, capture and distribute light. This is the fastest growing energy source for the world today. With the most recent advances, the portable solar generator has been a boon to the many remote job sites and for anyone who needs dependable energy in a hurry.

Solar energy is the use of solar radiation, generating electricity from the sun. It is done either by solar photovoltaic (PV), solar thermal or concentrating solar power. The photovoltaic cell or solar cell uses the photoelectric field. This type allows the energy to be produced and consumed in the same place. Concentrating power is a larger scale for central power plants.

Recently, installing solar has moved into the residential areas. Using these help to save money as the investment is fairly low and the government will usually issue rebates to help defer the costs. The government is interested in your follow through on this because it will make such a difference in the quality of our air as it lowers the consumption of fossil fuels and the pollution of the older style power plants. This system will keep working even on cloudy days or when it's raining. The insolation value from area to area will vary but every location will benefit from the gathering of electricity by solar power. Home solar power systems do not have moving parts are durable and can last for many years to come.

How to store the energy is important to consider as the solar energy doesn't happen at nighttime. Medium to small portable generators can handle the electrical needs of your home and car. Many have a long battery life. A great idea is the SOL8 Solar Generator Briefcase with the stamina for laptops, GPS systems or any hand tool. What a great way to save some money with only an investment of about $140.

There is also a favorite called the Solar Stik which is a hybrid system that is popular in remote locations. There are many style and price ranges for these portable generators today. It is recommended that you assess your needs before you begin your shopping. Once you know exactly what you are looking for, you'll be able to snatch one up in a hurry as soon as you see a good deal.

The portable solar generator is attractive since it is maintenance free clean, safe, and pollution free. You are conserving the earth's resources while making this wise investment. Become more environmentally responsible and look into one for you and your home.

Useful information renewable energy:

Useful information solar photovoltaic:

Useful information Home solar power systems:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Power Your Home With Home Solar Power Systems

Most households are very inefficient with their electrical usage. Spending some time first identifying where electricity is wasted and eliminating this waste is an absolutely necessity if you want to implement home solar power systems.

If you are considering running your home on solar and make solar your only source of power, you will need to make some major economies on power requirements to make such a system a practical option. If you are prepared to do this, home solar panels for your home may become a practical option for you. Providing electricity for a holiday home, however, is well within the capabilities of home solar power systems, so long as heating and cooking are catered for using gas or solid-fuels and the site is in a sunny position with little or no shade. In this scenario, a solar power system may be more cost effective than installing mains electricity if the house is ‘off-grid’ and is situated away from mains electricity.

If your requirements are more modest-providing light for a lock-up garage for instance – there are off-the-shelf packages available to allow you to do this for very reasonable amounts of money: around pounds 130-150 ($180-$220) will provide you with a lighting system for a shed or small garage, whilst pounds 200 ($300) will provide you with a system big enough for lighting a large stables or workshop.

This is far cheaper than installing mains electricity into a building, which can run to thousands of pounds even when a local supply is available just outside the door.

Low cost solar panels are also ideal for charging up batteries in caravans, recreational vehicles or on boats, ensuring that the batteries get a trickle charge between trips and keeping the batteries in tip-top condition whilst the caravan or boat is not in use.

Alternatively, you can choose to build your own solar panels from the comfort of home.

Useful information home solar panels:

Useful information home solar power systems:

Learn how to build your own solar panels:

Friday, July 2, 2010

Building DIY Solar Panels

Building solar panels may sound a little complicated, however, investing a little time and dedication can help you accomplish everything. That said those without and electrical background should expect to spend more time on the project that those who already know the basics.

Solar panels are groups of solar cells that are all connected together electrically. Each sell only makes about 1 watt of electricity at about.5V, but if you connect them together in series the volts add up. Usually this is done up to about 18 volts or 36 cells in series. With 18 volts you are able to reliably charge a 12V battery that can be used to power some DC loads (most house loads are AC).

Those were the very basics of how a panel is built. If you plan to use these to power you house loads you will either want look for as many 12v dc appliances and lights as possible or get the equipment necessary to convert the energy to AC. The details on connecting the DIY solar panels to a system are a bit out of the scope of this article.

First, you will want to acquire the solar cells this can be done sometimes from a local hardware store or radio shack. I prefer just to look online for them, and buy them in bulk. Expect to pay approximately 1-2 dollars per cell.

Using soldering strips solder the cells together in series. Be sure to check the polarity of the cells so that they are not "fighting" each other to develop the desired voltage.

When you have a sufficient number of cells powered in series, solder blocking diodes into place at the end (be sure to bias the diodes properly). The diodes are important because they prevent the solar cells from draining your batteries when the sun goes down. Once you have the string of cells and diodes in place you will want to cover the cells in clear plastic or glass and waterproof around the outsides!

This is the basic information on how to make a solar panel at home. The overall idea is fairly simple, but it does take some time to put it all together. That said its time well spent, a commercial solar system can cost well over 30K, a persistent "DIYer" could do it at less than 2K for everything! Getting the right equipment to hook up your to the battery and transform it into AC is what usually throws people off but that to can be overcome.

Learn how to Building solar panels:

Learn how to DIY solar panels:

Learn how to make a solar panel:

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Benefits of Home Solar Panels

There are so many good reasons why many homeowners opt for home solar panels. Solar energy functions well in cases where long-established power is too expensive. If you would love to create your abodes more responsive to the degrading state of the environment, nonetheless home solar panels are absolutely something you should think over.

In addition, do you know that the conventional sources of power like the generators create too much noise and even corrupt the environment? They are also entails too much time for maintenance. Solar energy products such as home solar power systems are easy to incorporate in your lifestyle, as there are available kits to choose from. Another aspect you probably are concerned about in taking into account is the cost of solar panels - relatively solar panels are a bit pricey but in contrast to the amount of money you can save in the future, you can definitely double your investment in a couple of years.

If you reside in the countryside or in vicinity that can have adverse and hostile weather situation, you may frequently experience electricity outages. What is great about having home solar panels is that the can actually serve as an alternative power source in the in the occasion that the main power source goes out. Whereas it is unlikely that you would desire to live on solar power explicitly, it is an outstanding and efficient backup if your electricity does go out. Solar power kits can be acquired, installed at a huge range of position, and even online. If you think that these solar kits are unfamiliar to you, look around first into some shops that offers this kind of product. By doing so, you will be able to identify what kind of kit is best for your homes.

It is also encouraged to go for kits that includes with Photovoltaic cells. You can install this kind of home solar panel anywhere you pleases. Homeowners with solar panels usually place their panels at the rooftop of their homes or they just simply mount it in poles. Photovoltaic cells produce power by altering the sunlight into energy then store it for future use. Normally it can produce energy at around 12 or 24 energy volts. On the event that you have already deciphered what kit you prefer, you will also need an inverter, which allows the DC energy current and converts it to 110 AC power so that you can make use of it.

Definitely, there are diverse arguments for choosing solar power systems. If you are somebody who takes care of the nature you can feel good and satisfied who is about utilizing solar power as a means to save valuable energy and do away with the conventional one. Solar power can be used along with other renewable source of energy such as like wind power. So what are you waiting for? Help save the earth now and enjoy free electricity, rebates and incentives from the government while saving a huge deal of money.

Useful information home solar panels:

Useful information home solar power systems:

Useful information solar power systems:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Storing Energy In The New Era

Sunlight, wind and hydropower all vary intermittently, seasonally and even daily. Demand for energy fluctuates as well; matching supply and demand can be accomplished only with storage. A study by the Department of Energy estimated that by 2030 in the U.S. the availability of appropriate storage could enhance the contribution of renewable energy by about 18 quadrillion British thermal units per year.

With the exception of biomass, the more promising long-term solar systems are designed to produce only electricity. Electricity is the energy carrier of choice for most stationary applications, such as heating, cooling, lighting and machinery. But it is not easily stored in suitable quantities. For use in transportation, light-weight, high-capacity energy storage is needed.

Sunlight can also be used to produce hydrogen fuel. The technologies required to d so directly (without generating electricity first) are in the very early stages of development but in the long term may prove the best. Sunlight falling on an electrode can produce an electric current to split water into hydrogen an oxygen, by a process called photoelectrolysis.

The term “photobiology” is used to describe a whole class of biological systems that produce hydrogen.

Even longer-term research may lead to photocatalysts that allow sunlight to split water directly into its component substances.

When the resulting hydrogen is burned as a fuel or is used to generate electricity in a fuel cell, the only by-product is water. Apart from being environmentally benign, hydrogen provides a way to alleviate the problem of storing solar energy. It can be held efficiently for as long as required. Over distances of more than 1,000 kilometers, it costs less to transport hydrogen than to transmit electricity. Residents of the Aleutian Islands have developed plans to make electricity from wind turbines, converting it to hydrogen for storage. In addition, improvements in fuel cells have allowed a number of highly efficient, nonpolluting uses of hydrogen to be developed, such as electric vehicles powered by hydrogen.

A radical shift in our energy economy will require alterations in the infrastructure. When the decision to change is made will depend on the importance placed on the environment, energy security or other considerations. In the U.S., federal programs for research into renewable energy have been on a roller-coaster ride. Even the fate of the Department of Energy is uncertain.

At present, developed nations consume at least 10 times the energy per person than is used in developing countries. But the demand for energy is rising fast everywhere. Solar technologies could enable the developing world to skip a generation of infrastructure and move directly to a source of energy that does not contribute to global warming or otherwise degrade the environment. Developed countries could also benefit by exporting these technologies-if additional tax incentive is at all necessary for investing in the future of energy from the sun.

Useful information renewable energy:

Useful information generate electricity:

Useful information tax incentive:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Build Your Own Magnetic Power Generator

A magnetic power generator is so powerful and effective that it is able to produce free and green energy to support your daily living, sometime even more that can earn you extra income by supplying the power supplier.

It is so good that currently we are able to have this option, you are able to own your own magnetic power generator and 100% independent from the condition and constraints i stated above. It is fully 24/7 to produce the clean and free energy for you.

As a satisfied user of magnetic generator, i will recommend following benefits that you will enjoy if you want to build a magnetic generator yourself.
  1. Even you are not a technical guy, you are surely able to build a new magnetic power generator by DIY.
  2. If you know the method to build it, it will be very safe to be used everyday.
  3. You are able to purchase the materials in any hardware shop around your residential area, they are cheap and accessible around the corner.
  4. As mentioned, they are 100% clean and free, moreover the quality and quantity of the energy produced is so sufficient that you can waive off your monthly power bill forever!
  5. If you purchase the proper method to build the power generator, you are so good that you can diagnose and repair the power generator by your own-self in the shortest time, rather than waiting YEARS long for the technician to drop by and fix the problem for you.
It is not a dream to have your own magnetic power generator, the problem is where you can get the access to this powerful tool. It is highly anticipated by the energy industries that magnetic power will replace and dominate the world market in coming future. Those power companies will try to suppress the information about the DIY method of magnetic power generator and sell you the costly technology to everyone in the future. Hence it is important that you take the first step advantage to obtain this advance technology with the simplest way to build it up. When the time comes, you may be one of the significant supplier of this magnetic energy for your neighborhood and contribute so much for our own planet. Learn how to build a magnetic generator today!

Useful information magnetic power generator:

Useful information magnetic generator:

Learn how to build a magnetic generator:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why Should I Build Solar Panels?

It is without question that times are changing and the resources we are currently using to power things are becoming an issue. So what other options are there to not only save money, but to also save our planet? The simple answer seems to be the use of home solar power systems. Its initial set up may be costly, however there are do it yourself guides out there that teach how to make solar panels for a shockingly low price. But more importantly, the cost is a one-time cost and in the long run it is worth it because people usually make their investment back in the first couple years!

If you consider the economy, unemployment and the oil spill which is likely to be followed by reduced oil drilling and higher oil prices it certainly sounds like it is time to at least revisit the question.

Did you know you can have an environmentally green home in 2010 that will produce a double savings for you? First, solar panels will reduce your electric bill substantially and second, you can make your DIY solar panels at home and save thousands on the cost of the system.

So what makes solar energy so exciting to so many people? Well that is easy...with home solar power systems you can continue making electricity as long as the sun keeps shining, and I have a feeling that is going to be for awhile!

If, like many of us, you are concerned about our environment as well as the economy and want to save money at the same time there is plenty of information available now that will help you achieve both goals.

The basic information that you will need is:

1. The fundamentals of solar energy (not complicated at all).
2. The tools and materials needed to make solar panels at home.
3. Instructions and diagrams on how to fabricate the panels.
4. Installation and wiring instructions.

Learn how to build your own solar panel today!

Useful information home solar power systems:

Learn how to DIY solar panels:

Learn how to build your own solar panel:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

DIY Solar Panels - Learn How To Build Solar Panels At The Comfort of Home

With electricity prices increasing steadily over the last few decades and no reason to think they'll fall anytime soon, many homeowners are exploring the option of powering their homes with renewable, or "green", power systems. The two most common home green energy systems are home wind turbines and home solar panels. Of these two, solar energy panels have emerged as the most popular, due to their solid-state nature - meaning that with fewer moving parts, they require less maintenance over the years.
Unfortunately, installing a solar power system in your home can be prohibitively expensive. Having pre-made solar power panels professionally installed costs at least $3000 - and the price tag only rises quickly from there. To reduce this huge cost, many homeowners are exploring the possibility of building and installing their own DIY solar panels. You may be one of them.
If so, you probably some questions such as can the average person really build DIY solar power systems in their garage or basement? The answer is "Yes!"
The answer to that question goes way beyond the scope of this brief article. What we can do, however, is point you in the right direction. The easiest and most efficient route for you to go is to buy a step-by-step instruction manual on how to build DIY solar panels from one of the many websites that sell them. These are usually $50 or less, and well worth the money.
Not all instruction manuals for DIY solar power panels are equal, however. Here are some things to look for when shopping online for a good instruction manual:
  • Clear, Step-by-Step Instructions (instead of just overviews)
  • Simple, Plain English (instead of confusing technical terms and slang)
  • Multiple, Clear Illustrations (instead of just text)
  • Demonstration Videos (although not necessary, they are very, very helpful)
  • Shopping Tips (for solar cells, deep-cycles batteries, and other hard-to-find items)
  • Positive Reviews (from past customers)
  • Price (more than $60 is too much)
Useful information home wind turbines:

Useful information home solar panels:

Learn how to DIY solar panels:

Learn how to DIY solar power systems:
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