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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Reducing Carbon Emissions With Solar Panels

In many areas where solar energy is cost effective, there is 1.5 lbs of CO2 emitted per kilowatt hour of electricity used. For a typical system of 3,000 kWh, there is 4500 lbs of CO2 emissions savings.

The carbon emissions are in part due to the high emissions of coal fired electricity plants. Whether it is coal or natural gas, a large amount of carbon is released into the atmosphere. Natural gas plants emit 1.3lbs of carbon per kWh of electricity produced. Compare that to coal fired plants which produce 2 lbs of carbon per kWh of electricity.

The reality is about half of the United State's electricity is produced from coal fired plants. Electricity from renewable energy sources make up less than 15% of all electricity in the United States.

Distributed solar power from homeowners such as yourselves will do a significant part in moving us to a renewable energy future. Distributed solar power helps us use electricity that does not have to travel a far distance thus dissipating energy as heat across long conduction lines.

Home solar power systems are heavily incented because they will allow us to implement smart grid solutions. The smart grid will help us to monitor electricity load on an hour by hour basis to influence usage at peak times. At peak hours such as during the middle of the day, the load can be decreased automatically in households that are not using immediate electricity.

Carbon emissions reductions are incredibly important to maintain the environment the way it is. Whether or not you believe in global warming does not matter. We need to get off of foreign energy dependence as a nation and generate electricity locally.

Useful information solar energy:

Useful information Home solar power systems:

Useful information generate electricity:

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